Hi! MiamiOceanRafting.com is all about the water! But, there is far more to the waters off our gorgeous coast than rafting, and we hope that we can interest you in additional activities that we’ll be covering here at this website. But, first, a little factoid!
When many people think about Miami, ocean rafting probably isn’t the first thing that crosses their minds. Perhaps they think about the cool art deco architecture that is prominent in the city. Perhaps they think that it’s where lots of wealthy people hang out. But, did you know that Miami is the ONLY city in the US that is bordered by TWO National Parks? Yup! It’s true! Both the Everglades National Park AND Biscayne National Park hug the city’s borders! So, now it probably won’t surprise you to see the growing number of fun outdoorsy types of activities at arm’s reach when you visit this very diverse region! See you here soon!