In a world where innovation is raging and sales are becoming harder to secure, it’s important to stand out from the competition. In addition, B2B prospects are often fewer than B2C and they have a long and complex buying cycle. That’s why your business needs to hire a Miami SEO company and capture them quickly before another competitor does. Thus, the speed of commercial execution and the capacity to innovate are two essential elements of B2B sales.

However, by speeding up decision-making and action while surfing the digital wave, bots are one of the solutions to face this challenge. Act on the first level of commitment and success in reaching the prospect. Today, the major source of information for a prospect, be it in B2B or B2C, is first of all to search by itself for information, especially on the web. In fact, he has more and more a tendency to flee the commercial and prefers to trust himself in studying the possibilities open to him.

This is where the chatbot can intervene. It reintegrates the commercial into a new form, digitized, which is more likely to be accepted from the prospect. The interaction with the chatbot is decided by the user, who is given the control of his choice: to be helped while controlling the help. He can start a discussion whenever he wants and end his goodwill.

The professional user can quickly find the information sought via the chatbot without having to navigate hours on a web page. The contact is contextual: it responds adequately to the prospect’s question (message adapted to the page visited, type of client).

A bot is a self-diagnostic tool that answers the top-level questions of some users with rich and interactive content (video, white paper, e-book). In the case of a more complex request, the chatbot is used to qualify this request before redirecting it to the commercial B2B. It will be better able to handle it with expertise and the user is not frustrated since his request has been taken into account immediately.

Monitor the purchase cycle: the chatbot acts as a sales assistant. The B2B salespeople deplore a considerable loss of time due to the constant need to keep the interest of the prospect for his company, via actions of telephone recovery or mail. On average, they spend 59% of their time on so-called non-sales activities (lead generation, account research, schedule management, etc.).

Present your data in a few clicks by exporting powerpoint and compare your stats by selecting 1 or 2 periods. In addition, visualize ROI by measuring the engagement and overall performance of your campaigns and check the work of your teams by analyzing how posts and comments are treated. Delegate tasks, comments, messages to your team easily. This tool is magic and will simplify your life in terms of social selling and community management with the help of a Miami SEO company.